Resources for role-playing games, with a focus on Cyberpunk 2020 and RuneQuest, as well as fantasy RPGs.
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So far translated:
Cyberpunk 2020 cyberware calculator. A short configurator comprising just the basic manual gear. Fast for ordinary NPCs, and nice for having your players browse options and estimate humanity loss risk... and the money.
Cyberpunk 2020 NPC condensed sheet. Six or nine NPCs in the same page, with a common stats and different weapons and gear. Free from DriveThru. (Please, note this is an affiliated official DriveThruRPG link that helps me making a small money. Click here to bypass through a direct link).
Arcology. A setting for any cyberpunk universe. Tables for business generation, dwellings, a couple of house rules, some corporations, encounters, NPCs and 8 newspaper sheets. 144 pages at a price of 2$. Download it from DriveThru. (Please, note this is an affiliated official DriveThruRPG link that helps me making a small money. Click here to bypass through a direct link).
How big is it Night City in 2020? TL;DR: The area covered by the Night City sourcebook is 1.9 × 1.2 km (1.2×0.75 mi). The area described in the core rulebook is 1.9 × 2.3 km (1.2×1.42 mi), and the amalgamated map is approximately 6 × 6 km (3.7×3.7 mi).
A fast NPC and NPC party generator. Outputs for mobile, desktop, print and editable PDF. Up to 9 NPCs, individual stats, outfits, vehicles, names and pocket contents. Just click for class or situation.