El caballero perdedor

Resources for Role Playing Games

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This page is a repository of resources for tabletop RPGs, particularly Cyberpunk 2020 and RuneQuest, as well as fantasy in general. So, where does this come from? And where is it going?

Where does it come from?

Here, I’m uploading old materials that have been revised and updated. This includes game aids, modules, maps, tools, and house rules.

In my opinion, as a GM, having tools that boost your productivity and allow you to focus on what adds the most value is incredibly useful. What that value is and where it should be applied depends on each case, on each gaming group. As for me, I value two things: 1. well-crafted, ready-to-play stories; and 2. good tools to help you build parts of those stories yourself.

The best way to contact me is through Twitter: @caballeroperd. Yes, I know, Twitter is currently in an irreversible decline. When it finally collapses, we’ll find another place. In the twilight of a civilization, interesting things always happen. And so, while there’s still a bit of light, we’ll stay there, watching as the star fades. I'm also in BlueSKy as @caballeroperdedor. BlueSky is promising, reminds me that old Twitter from 2007, but this time with no blue whales.

Where is it going?

Good question. I can only say what I know and what I’ve done. Last years (2023-24), I released a Cyberpunk 2020 module. For free. I'll translate it some day this year. I also released PNJ Party, an NPC generator for Cyberpunk 2020, which outputs them on-screen, as a printable sheet, or as an editable PDF. And a cyberware calculator. That chrome calculator is already available in English. These are tools I use myself, and I make them available to others.

Señorío is a medieval worldbuilding system. Right now, it only has a population, livestock, and agriculture calculator. I hope to release a trade module, also free, but I'm afraid it will be next year (2026). I had planned to release a BRP adventure, but I'm moving a bit slow with the playtesting. I’ll probably launch it on Verkami or KS. We’ll see.

The roadmap for Cyberpunk 2020 until the summer of 2025 includes translating the tools into English, along with some improvements in Spanish, releasing the second adventure in the Maldini cycle for free (the playtesting is already done), both English and Spanish. There is a system-neutral supplement for generating a setting of failed arcologies. Available now in English in DriveThru for just 2$. Worth taking a look. Lastly, I'm looking for an affordable portable printer, something under €50, to print NPC sheets on the fly from PNJ Party.

Finally, there's my science fiction story website, La Totalidad, where I’m experimenting with publishing stories alongside their consistency database in a wiki, both freely accessible. But that's a Spanish site, and will not translate it unless something is published.

And beyond that—although I’m not sure yet—there will probably be a few more short stories, maybe a couple of novels. We’ll see.

What about the name?

"Caballero" stands for knight and also for gentleman, and "perdedor" means loser. In Spanish, this name works either for medieval fantasy settings and cyberpunk lore. The same wording alludes to that mythical venue from The Sprawl, but also hints about a roge knight. That would be lost if translated.

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